Badlands National Park

Badlands National Park

Friday, September 23, 2011

I've failed before I've begun!

Haha! I started out wanting to blog a few times a week, and now I've gone weeks between blogging.
It's been an interesting week for the Ferguson girls. Nathan went TDY Sunday and within six hours, Anna was eating dog food. A couple hours after that, she licked a bar of soap. I'd like to think those cancel each other out in the grossness factor. I proceeded to brush the heck outta her teeth and mouth that night. So we went a few days with nothing weird entering her mouth, and then she woke up with a black eye Thursday. My only conclusion is that all of her practice walking (and perfecting falling) landed her a black eye. I'm kinda scared for her when Nathan deploys for nearly eight months...I mean, what the heck is gonna happen to her then?!
In other news, Ava is doing great in kindergarten. This week she was moved to a new classroom with a new teacher and new kids. Her school started out with four kindergartens, but each class had 24 students and Florida mandates no more than 18 students per class. I was initially nervous about her moving, because she doesn't always adapt to change well, and on top of her dad being gone this week and next. But she surprised and amazed me by doing fabulous this week! Well, unless she comes home today with a bad's possible, definitely possible!
Ava finally asked me one of the (many) dreaded questions I feared when I found out I'd be the mom to two girls..."who's cuter, Mommy, me or Anna?" Sigh, that's a no-win question, right?! I told her she was the cutest Ava in the whole world and Anna was the cutest Anna in the whole world. But was that good enough for my stinker...NO! She kept pressing me, and I finally told her I'm not answering questions like that and to go play with her toys. I'm not even asking myself which dreaded question will come up next!
I've decided that I'm tired of trying to clean with my little shadow (aka, Anna) following me everywhere, so I'm having a babysitter come hang out with the girls Saturday afternoon for four hours, so I can scrub the toilets without worrying Anna's gonna try to take a swim in them. She loves trying to stick her hands in the toilet when I'm spraying out her diapers - EEEWWWW. She loves water, period. Whether it's the dog bowl, the toilet, the pool, the tub...where there's water, there's Anna.
Oh and 14 days until the hubs and I are cruising the Caribbean, relaxing, hanging out...with no children screaming our names or demanding attention, and I'll miss them like crazy. I'll probably freak out thinking I've left them somewhere on the boat. I don't know how I'll function without a baby on my hip and a 6-year-old by my side! :)